Wood and paper industry products
More than 50 years of expertise in the production of water-based polymer dispersion
We started the operations of water-based polymer dispersion back in the ′60s with the production of vinylic adhesives. Through the years FAR has updated processes and products to meet the customers′ expectations for high quality high performance binders. For the packaging industry we have a wide range of products, from high to low solid dispersions. Customers can adjust setting times and working times appropriately when working with the coupling of paper and corrugated boards. The vinylic copolymer Neolith 240BM stands out for its ability to glue the paper to non adsorbing difficult substrates. In the last year our range has also improved with Policril 540, a specific pure acrylic binder for the formulation of stick adhesives, replacing effectively more expensive binders in the industry.
For the wood industry, besides the traditional 50% and 60% homopolymers binders, our range includes Neolith 599LD and Neolith 595HSS, which are particularly suited for the glueing of hard wood, offering high creep resistance and high tear of the wood substrates when adhesion tests under compression are performed.